
Friday, January 21, 2011

Unique House

SOURCE: from google image

A Nationwide Search for Real Estate Listings of Houses,Condo and Townhomes for sale on in philippines. Economic Housing in the Philippines, house for sale, house and lot for sale, townhomes for sale,condominiums for sale, property for sale

The Camouflage House

This home has been encased in a facade matching the greenery around it, with a beautiful result. The concealing mesh is permeable to let the sunshine filter onto the house. But it also allows the light from inside to radiate out. Allowing the build to sit anonymously by day, but emerge discretely at night. Blurring the boundaries between what is human, and what is not. When I saw the pictures I’ve imediately thought that this home would be perfect durring a war, a perfect example of camouflage. I’m sure that this mesh design can be improved to increase the camouflage. 


A Nationwide Search for Real Estate Listings of Houses,Condo and Townhomes for sale on in philippines. Economic Housing in the Philippines, house for sale, house and lot for sale, townhomes for sale,condominiums for sale, property for sale

Log House as Garden Home Office Cabin

If you’ve enjoyed tiny house that serves as quiet home office we covered last week you might also enjoy this Log House because it serves the same purpose. It is located in Hilversum, The Netherlands, belongs to music-entertainer Hans Liberg and designed by Piet Hein Eek. That cozy place isn’t ordinary at all. Log facade covers a plastic and steel frame. Thanks to that the room inside isn’t dark and moody but instead it’s bright and contemporary so it serves wheel as small recording studio. The house has wheels what makes it transportable. Don’t you want such cool thing in your garden to have awesome and not boring place to work in?

Photo by: Thomas Mayer's website

SOURCE: Mike (

A Nationwide Search for Real Estate Listings of Houses,Condo and Townhomes for sale on in philippines. Economic Housing in the Philippines, house for sale, house and lot for sale, townhomes for sale,condominiums for sale, property for sale